The Five YUMMY Rules of Performance Nutrition – # 4
Rule #4 - Alright, please listen closely. This is where most people lose it when it comes to performance nutrition. Exercise does not take place of Nutrition! As a matter of fact, you cannot lose fat quickly and efficiently unless you are on a negative calorie...
The Five YUMMY Rules of Performance Nutrition – # 3
Rule #3 - Ok so it's time to eat...you've gotta ask yourself, "What will I be doing for the next 2 -3 hours of my life?" If you are planning on a nap, eat fewer carbohydrate foods, if you plan to train, eat more carbohydrates. What you want to do at this point is...

The Five YUMMY Rules of Performance Nutrition – # 2
Rule #2 -- For performance Nutrition each of your daily meals should be 1 part FAT, 2 parts Protein, and 3 parts Carbohydrates, this is a good place to begin. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate for average people. Depending on the severity of your daily work...
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“… I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
~ John 10:10 ~