This post is short notice, but want to let everyone know about the 5K Walk/Run event we are hosting this weekend!
The run will start at…
Haw Creek Park
2205 Echols Road
Cumming, GA 30041
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Start Time:
Saturday, October 6, 2012 at 8:00 AM
Sign Up:
Download link for the S.A.G.E. Walk/Run 5k 2012 Sign Up Form
The signup form is an Adobe Acrobat PDF. To download…
Right click on the link above and then select “Save Target As…” or “Save Link As…” from the pop-up menu that will appear. Select the directory where you would like the form saved. We recommend your desktop for easy of finding.
$20.00 until Friday 10/5/2012 (Use the PayPal button below to make the payment.)
$25.00 day of event, at event 10/6/2012
[paypal type=”paynow” amount=”20.00″ email=”[email protected]” itemno=”S.A.G.E. Run” name=”S.A.G.E. Walk/Run 5k Registration” noshipping=”1″ nonote=”1″ currencycode=”USD” imageurl=”” rm=”2″ imagewidth=”100px”]
More about the event:
S.A.G.E. Stands for Strength Action Grip and Execution in sports, fitness, nutrition and exercise.
WE are forming a NON-profit group that benefits leaders in ministry and support exercise and fitness for families. Exercise, nutrition, and sports need to be a priority in the lives of all people. It tends to be an after thought in many churches across America and we focus on our walk with Christ, our spiritual growth, we focus on our finances, but our physical strength and overall health is slowly dying. How can we be glorify Christ through our physical bodies? How can we run the race, (this life) set before us, if we have lacking, aching, slow, weak, fragile, hurting, disease ridden bodies? The S.A.G.E. Fitness and Sports Ministries will be focusing on plans and executions of proven programs that will benefit these dynamic leaders for Christ to enable them to complete their own races and get the Gospel out those who need to hear a word from the Lord.
We cannot not stop all diseases and sicknesses, but we sure can be proactive and do what is in our control and that is Prayer, and intentionally learning more about fitness, exercise, nutrition, and living our life with the abundance of Joy that the Lord has given us.
The 5k is just a beginning event that we will be utilizing to raise funds to help these ministry leaders provide financially for their fitness, as well as, our building fund.
We will be having our second 5K November 23rd, (the day after Thanksgiving).
Come and Join us!